Philadelphia 76ers 2009/2010

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"When the subject is Tom Thibodeau, everybody - at least publicly - says the same things.

They say the Boston Celtics' associate head coach is a defensive guru.
They say he's a passionate, 24/7 worker.
They say he's excellent in developmental work with players.
They say they have no good reason why, in his 19 years in the NBA, he has never been a head coach."

"I have no idea why Tom has never been given a shot,'' said Jeff Van Gundy, the ESPN analyst who had Thibodeau on his staff for 11 seasons with New York and Houston. "If a team is more interested in winning the press conference than games, then he is not going to be your hire. If, on the other hand, you want a focused, disciplined, loyal leader, then he is the type of man that any organization should consider.''

If the public doesn't have an appreciation for Thibodeau, that could be in part because Celtics coach Doc Rivers doesn't allow his assistants to speak with the media. Rivers, though, said he would tell general managers, "Give him a chance. See who he is. It's one thing to see him next to me [on the bench]. You know me. You don't know him."

Said Van Gundy: "He has a great rapport with star players, as well as rookies; he is serious, but also fun to be around. He will work in concert with management, but he has strong, proven philosophies about how you win in this league, and why you lose. He is great, and will be a tremendous leader when given the opportunity."

"It was like he was almost penalized for winning," said Houston Rockets GM Daryl Morey. "He might have had one of the jobs that were available then if he had had the opportunity to interview. Maybe there were some negative things I didn't see, but in his time here he was great with Yao [center Yao Ming] and helped us be a top-five defensive club. He's somebody who is ready to take it to the next level."

One more reference came from Orlando assistant Brendan Malone, who worked with Thibodeau in New York.

"He is a totally dedicated basketball person," Malone said. "He's knowledgeable, he's a hard worker, he dedicates himself 24/7 to the job. He made a name for himself in Boston, solidifying their defense.

"Sometimes the situation doesn't arise [for an assistant to become a head coach]. Sometimes the assistant has the right quality, but because of personality or because he doesn't promote himself or the head coach doesn't promote him, he works in the shadow of the coach. Now, people know who he is.

"I saw that happen with Jeff [Van Gundy]. He was a longtime assistant, and when the opportunity came he outworked everybody he coached against.''

When Thibodeau joined the Celtics, Van Gundy told the Boston Globe: "I think when you work for someone so long, as Tom did for me, it works a lot better for the head coach. I'm not so sure how well it works for the assistant. But he has a talent for player development, and by that I mean development on the court, off the court, film, friendship, those types of things. The work he did with Yao Ming was the epitome of player development."

Philadelphia Daily News

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