Philadelphia 76ers 2009/2010

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Associated Press

"PHILADELPHIA -- Charles Barkley took a break from his golf lessons to give the Philadelphia 76ers some advice on who should be the clubhouse leader in their wide open search for their next head coach.

"I think Eddie Jordan would be a fine choice," Barkley said on Thursday. "I think they're going to have a good, solid team."

In golf terms that Barkley understands, Jordan is definitely on the green for the Sixers.

A person familiar with the search confirmed a report that Jordan has interviewed a second time with the Sixers. The person spoke on condition of anonymity because an announcement has not been made.

The job has been open since Tony DiLeo stepped down on May 11 and returned to the front office. Stefanski was attending the NBA draft combine in Chicago and was not expected back until the weekend, leaving open the possibility the search will stretch into the third week.

"He's narrowing it down," said Peter Luukko, COO of Comcast-Spectacor. "I'm sure we'll be with it in the near future. There's no deadline, but we want to be done by the draft [June 25]. We're getting closer."

Luukko said he's met with Casey and Jordan, but declined to elaborate on the nature of their discussions.

"They're all good candidates," Luukko said. "The real decision is up to Ed and his staff and who they think is best to work with."

Barkley believes Jordan should get that shot.

The former Sixers great gave Jordan his vote on a teleconference to promote Barkley's appearance at a celebrity golf championship. Barkley gave DiLeo credit for leading the Sixers to the playoffs, but hoped they hired Jordan.

"They're pretty much stuck with the team they've got for the next few years because they're paying guys so much money," Barkley said. "But I think Eddie Jordan would be a good coach. He did a good job with the Washington team. They probably overachieved, him getting to the playoffs every year."

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