Oklahoma City Thunder 2009/2010

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 posté par AiR1 : 
That’s one of the stories I told to the media yesterday. A few reporters asked me if I can get to the same level as Kobe and LeBron, and I had to remind everyone that I’m not striving to be like those guys.

Those guys are way above me. I’m just getting into this league and trying to establish myself. I don’t really like when people compare me to those guys. They’re way above me. They’re more experienced and they’ve won more. That’s not only unfair to them but to me. I don’t want to be like LeBron, Kobe or ‘Melo. I just want to be Kevin Durant, and hopefully that’s at an All-Star level each year.

Another reporter asked me how much going back to my natural position of small forward has helped my game, and I thought that was a good question. It’s helped me out a lot, especially on our team. It’s tough playing shooting guard. That led to a lot of turnovers because smaller players could get under me. I think as the year went on, my rookie year, I learned how to play that position and that’s helping me out now so I can play multiple positions on the floor. From the 2 to the 4, where Scott Brooks is playing me a lot, I think that’s helped me out.

Another good question I had was about whether I get booed in opposing arenas.

Man, me and my teammates get booed a lot! I’ve heard some crazy things, these last couple of weeks especially – ‘you’re the worst player in the league, you’re too skinny, eat a sandwich ( ), you’re not going to score tonight.’ I hear a lot of crazy things. It’s all fun and games.

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