New York Knicks 2009/2010

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D'Antoni meets today with Knicks guard
NU Post (comme d'hab )

ATLANTA -- "Nate-Gate" raged on yesterday when Knicks coach Mike D'Antoni announced after the team practice at Georgia Tech he would meet with Nate Robinson this morning and try to resolve their feud and reach a compromise on how the 5-foot-7½ guard should conduct himself on the court.
D'Antoni had yet to decide whether the Knicks' most popular player (ouai ca ca se discute.... pas sure que Lee ne soit pas plus populaire, et Galinari du coté de Brooklyn et le Queens ca doit pas etre mal non plus enfin ca vaut pas Balkman il jouait que 10 minutes mais il mettait le FEU au Garden à chaque fois...) will play tonight against the Hawks and has left open the possibility of moving on with rookie guard Toney Douglas.
"Nate-Gate" began Wednesday night in Orlando, when D'Antoni refused to play Robinson in the 118-104 loss to the Magic as punishment for two seasons of immature antics.

It was Robinson's first DNP-CD (coach's decision) since December, 2007 and came at a bizarre time because Robinson had burned the Magic on Sunday at the Garden with a 22-point fourth quarter.
"We'll sit down, just try to sort some things out," D'Antoni said.
On a Twitter after the Orlando game, Robinson wrote about the soap opera: "I gotta make it to heaven for going through hell."
Sources say Robinson was humiliated Wednesday in Orlando and feels he often is made a scapegoat for the team's miserable 4-15 record. But Robinson yesterday sounded contrite. D'Antoni does not often meet with players formally.
"I'm definitely looking forward to it," Robinson said. "It's something I've got to go in there understanding, just try to figure out what he wants me to do and go do it. I've got to change a lot, obviously. Whatever it is, I've just got to find out what it is, change it, and be ready to play. I'm going to have to [change]. Period."
Robinson's on-court animation even when the club is getting blown out has given an impression he's not concerned enough about winning as long as he is scoring in bunches. Robinson said that is untrue, and that the avalanche of defeats the last five seasons have nearly made him cry.
"You have moments where you get emotional, you get teary-eyed, you want to express yourself," Robinson said. " You're not really going to cry, but at times you feel like crying. Me being here five years and losing, it's hard. But you have to take the good with the bad."
Eric Goodwin, who along with his brother, Aaron, represents Robinson, declined comment on "Nate-Gate."
Robinson's immature antics have grated on D'Antoni since last season, but erupted 2½ weeks ago in New Jersey when Robinson shot at his own basket -- and made it -- just after the first-quarter buzzer against the Nets. Though Robinson has been prolific since that game, his defense has remained poor and D'Antoni reached the breaking point in the win over Phoenix on Tuesday, when Robinson committed a senseless foul away from the ball on Goran Dragic after Grant Hill made a layup.
When asked if Robinson needed to change his personality, D'Antoni said: "We all have to change our approach. We don't zone in enough to overcome some weaknesses on the team. That's what we've tried to preach."
Robinson could ask for a trade if this continues because he's playing for a contract. That Robinson has a one-year deal also makes D'Antoni's potential choice to run with Douglas more palatable. But D'Antoni would be spiting himself because Robinson is the Knicks' most fiery offensive gun after Al Harrington.
If Robinson says the right things this morning, he likely will return to the rotation. But there is no more margin for error.
"It's a fluid situation in the sense that we'll talk and I'm sure he'll play some more, and I'm sure that we'll try to get it better," D'Antoni said.
"He's a talented basketball player. We need him."

Yahoo last night reported that Knicks president Donnie Walsh has talked to the Bulls about athletic but injured forward Tyrus Thomas, who has been shopped by Chicago.
The report stated the Bulls want Al Harrington, while ex-Knick Jerome James would be thrown in -- a deal Walsh wouldn't make.
Thomas, who has a broken arm and won't be back for a couple of weeks, is a restricted free agent who's long been admired by D'Antoni. All the contracts in the deal are expiring, but the Knicks would make the deal with the idea of signing Thomas, who was selected, ironically, with the Knicks' lottery pick three years ago.

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