Philadelphia 76ers 2010/2011

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 posté par Philly thing : 
Brand, who finished with 19 points, with all but two coming in the first half, was ejected with 3 minutes, 32 seconds left in the fourth quarter when he shoved McGee to the court after the Wizards guard had dunked to cut the Sixers' lead to 98-92.

"It wasn't frustration," said Brand. "We didn't match up correctly and he was going to get another dunk and I was just trying to stop the dunk," Brand said. "He was quick to the rim and I hit him under the arm. I definitely wanted to foul him, but I didn't want him to fall awkward like that."

The most awkward fall of the night was by the Sixers. Once again, their play late in the game appeared to be that of a team trying not to lose, instead of one that could grasp a win and carry it into the locker room.

"It bothered me," Iguodala said. "I'm not going to have any excuses. I'm just going to gut it out the rest of the season.

"It's frustrating to lose. At this point in my career, I definitely want to just win. (il va pas tarder à demander son trade lui...)
I don't have too much time to continue to rebuild all the time. Hopefully, we'll learn from this situation and it'll help us win."

"We made some mental mistakes there towards the end," said Iguodala. "Whatever group's out there, they're playing hard. Nobody's trying to lose, but we do a good job of losing close games."

And they do it in head-scratching fashion. Like how does Young, lately a notorious Sixers' killer who scored 19 last night, get so wide open to drain the winning three? Especially a day after Collins mentioned that Young always hits big shots against his team.

"They ran a play that we know, it's called Seattle," Collins said. "But Evan got picked on the baseline and he got caught on the play."

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