Boston Celtics 2010/2011

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Meanwhile, The Other O'Neal Remains Home

by Jeff Clark on Mar 31, 2011 4:40 AM EDT

The good news is that Jermaine O'Neal is going to start playing.
The bad news is that the other O'Neal appears to be locked in a perpetual state of "a week or so away."

"I don’t have any idea," Celtics general manager Danny Ainge said after watching the workout by O’Neal, who is attempting to recover from a sore right Achilles tendon. "It could be a week or two weeks. "I watched him work out, and he’s starting to do things on the court. We’re just still not sure of when he’s going to come back. There probably isn’t a soul in the Celtics organization who would have predicted, even two weeks ago, that Jermaine O’Neal would return to full practice and probably a game before his namesake".

At this point I remain skeptical of what either O'Neal can actually bring to the table. Both could take a while to get back into the flow of the game. Both could get hurt again at the drop of a dime. At least with Jermaine we know he had surgery to (hopefully) fix what was wrong with him. For Shaq I don't think there's a surgery to fix "old."

We'll know a lot more by the end of the season. Fingers crossed.

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