New York Knicks 2010/2011

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Stoudemire recruiting Anthony, Parker
By Ian Begley
Special to

NEW YORK -- Amare Stoudemire's tour of New York started Saturday night at the Brooks Atkinson Theatre in Manhattan, where the 6-11 center took in the Broadway hit, "Rock of Ages."
After the musical, Stoudemire hinted that he'd be putting together a show of his own on Broadway next season.
"I've talked to Carmelo Anthony and [told him] that he needs to come here," Stoudemire said while standing on the corner of 47th St. and 8th Ave. after the show. "I've talked to Tony Parker. Both guys are ready to join me if I decide to come here. So we'll see if we can work it out."

What about LeBron James?
"That would be great," said Stoudemire, who wore a navy blue Yankees hat to the play.
The Knicks, of course, would have to swing a trade for either Anthony or Parker, both of whom are under contract next season.
Stoudemire broke off negotiations with the Phoenix Suns on Friday and entered talks with the Knicks, but the two sides have not come to an agreement, sources told ESPN.
Stoudemire confirmed to that he would be meeting with Knicks brass on Monday.
Saturday night, Stoudemire called the Knicks "one of the most historic franchises in NBA history. [New York] is a beautiful city. Madison Square Garden is definitely one of the most intriguing places to play. So they definitely have a few great points on their side."
When asked what he'd add to the Knicks roster, Stoudemire smiled and said, "We'll have to wait and see."'s Chad Ford reported on Saturday that Stoudemire decided to break off talks with the Suns after receiving the team's "final offer" -- a five-year, $95 million deal that didn't fully guarantee the final two years of the contract.
"The organization of Phoenix has been great my whole career," Stoudemire said. "I left my stamp on that organization as far as what we were able to accomplish. It was a great ride. So on to the next one."
Stoudemire said he would be attending the Yankees-Blue Jays game on Sunday in the Bronx. He said Derek Jeter was his favorite player and called Joba Chamberlain a close friend.
"I love New York, it's a great city," said Stoudemire, who left in a white limo shortly after being questioned by reporters.

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