Minnesota Timberwolves 2010/2011

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Danny Biasone, the late owner of the Syracuse Nationals, invented the shot clock following the 1953-54 season to try to speed up the game and prevent teams from stalling. The lack of pace in NBA games in the early 1950s was widespread, typified by a game between the Fort Wayne Pistons and the Minneapolis Lakers on Nov. 22, 1950. The Pistons defeated the Lakers 19-18 in the lowest scoring game in NBA history. Each team had only four baskets, and Fort Wayne outscored Minneapolis by the underwhelming margin of 3-1 in the fourth quarter.

- On November 22, 1950, the Fort Wayne Pistons edged the Minneapolis Lakers 19-18 in a game where the teams scored a total of eight baskets.

- Three years later, 106 fouls were called and 128 free throws shot in a playoff game between Boston and Syracuse. Cousy scored 30 points from the foul line alone.

- In 1954, Syracuse beat New York 75-69 in another playoff horror show where free throws outnumbered baskets 75-34.

Biasone chose the unusual number of 24 seconds by figuring that the average number of shots two teams would take during a game was 120. He divided that number into 48 minutes or 2,880 seconds, the length of a game, and ended up with the magical number of 24.
The 24-second shot clock debuted in the National Basketball Association on Oct. 30, 1954 as the Rochester Royals defeated the Boston Celtics, 98-95, in what would have been the seventh-highest scoring game of the previous season.
During the first season with the 24-second clock, NBA teams averaged 93.1 points per game, an increase of 13.6 points per game over the previous season.

Said Cousy: "Before the new rule, the last quarter could be deadly. The team in front would hold the ball indefinitely, and the only way you could get it was by fouling somebody. In the meantime, nobody dared take a shot and the whole game slowed up. With the clock, we have constant action. I think it saved the NBA at that time. It allowed the game to breathe and progress.

Said Maurice Podoloff, the NBA's first president: "The adoption of the clock was the most important event in the NBA."

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