PO 2011 WCF : Mavericks (3) vs Thunder (4)

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 posté par RomUS : 
The battle has been joined, and our enemy proved worthy. They have drawn first blood. But the ultimate death knell remains ours, as we proud and mighty warriors steadfastly continue our unabated march to a destiny undeniably our own.

We did NOT come this far to lay down for a carpet-bagging, franchise-stealing upstart from our nation’s armpit, while we ourselves have toiled away in the great city of Dallas with integrity for over thirty years.

We did NOT assemble a hard-scrabble group of tough, wily, cagey veterans to lay down for boys who got their first hard-on last time we won less than fifty games.

We did NOT summarily dismiss the champion Los Angeles Lakers to lay down for a team that before now had not been past the first round.

We did NOT win in the toughest-place-to-play Rose Garden, or for two games call the storied Staples Center our home away from home, to lose at the lowly Ford Center.

Tonight our God-chosen warriors wade into the sinking, stinking cesspool that is named Oklahoma City and take the deed as our own. The streets of the wretched wasteland will run red with the cursed foul blood of the infidels, the sinful, filthy breed who would dare to steal from our clean and holy hands what is rightfully and righteously our own.

Tonight we lay one more plank on the path toward our ultimate destination, from which we will never—and can never—be denied. Those unfortunate souls who would deign to stand in the way of our blessed mission will at the end lie shredded limb from limb, hearts and bowels removed by mighty hands and left for dogs to eat, at once a testament to our ceaseless resolve and a warning to all who would follow.

Tonight we give witness that our path will not be impeded, our determination will not be stopped, our courage will never fail.

Give us your Portland, your Los Angeles, your Oklahoma City, your Chicago or Miami. We march on, humble and hungry.

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