PO 2012 WCF : Spurs (1) vs Thunder (2)

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 posté par AiR1 : 
Prends en de la graine, LeBron !

And yet Durant's fourth-quarter flurry isn't what should worry the Spurs most. It's what he did during the first two quarters that gave everyone pause. Then Durant took what the Spurs gave him, attempting just four shots as he set up the Thunder's big men with dump-offs and kick-out passes. When Kendrick Perkins wasn't dunking over the Spurs' heads, Serge Ibaka was burying 18-footers over them. With Russell Westbrook also holstering his own shot for the greater good, the Thunder's offense settled into a smooth, easy flow. Everyone touched the ball, everyone found their rhythm.

Ibaka would go on to make all 11 of his shots, one shy of the NBA's 37-year-old playoff record for perfection, and he found his stroke in those first two quarters when Durant pulled all his teammates' strings. Durant's 36 points were magical, but so were his eight assists.

"It picks the whole team up," Thunder forward Nick Collison said. "It's easier for those of us who are less-talented scorers to play with confidence."

Trust your teammates instead of trusting only your talent. Durant has learned he and Westbrook don't always have to lift the Thunder by themselves. The more Durant maximizes his teammates, the more strength he has left at the end of games to carry the Thunder on his slender shoulders.

"I just want to be calm and composed and poised in those situations and make the right basketball play," Durant said. "There are times when I need to pass to my teammates and times when I need to score. … Sometimes it's nerve-wracking playing those games like that. But I just try to calm down and go with my instincts."

For Durant, this is all part of his evolution, and that's what worries the Spurs, what worries every other team in the league. They've been in a race with the Thunder, everyone trying to chase down one more championship before Durant's game expands, before his basketball IQ matches his talent. Now they have reason to ask: Are they already too late?

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