PO 2012 ECF : Heat (2) vs Celtics (4)

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Ray Allen: "This Is Not The Time To Sit"
by wjsy on May 30, 2012 8:35 AM PDT

Ray Allen on the idea that he might sit out a game to rest ankle. "Hell no. This is not the time to sit." Says ankle is affecting his lift.

Doc on Ray's early shooting today: "You wanna give Ray a chance because you know he'll do everything it requires. Ray wants to play well."

Allen was working on his free throws in the empty gym when the media was allowed inside. Still awaiting the rest of the team.

I don't know why this debate on whether Ray should sit a game or sit on the bench more irks me, but it does. I love Avery Bradley and I love Keyon, but Ray has been a warrior for us for the last five years. His numbers in the post-season are frankly awful and we can argue whether or not his presence on the floor provides valuable spacing for the rest of the team, but at some point, it comes down to trust and loyalty. There are so many threads in the fan forum about how he's washed up and useless, you don't change horses midstream. We can talk about how Ray Allen is a future Hall Of Famer and how he's the NBA's all-time leading three-point shooter, but more importantly, Ray Allen is a battle-tested Celtic of five years. He came up huge in the fourth quarter of Game 7 against Philadelphia and he's starting to feel some rhythm back in his game. Don't count him out just yet.


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