PO 2012 ECF : Heat (2) vs Celtics (4)

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Heat Overcome Rondo And Celtics In Overtime
by Jeff Clark on May 30, 2012 8:46 PM PDT

When 44 just isn't enough.

The Heat overcame a historic night by Rajon Rondo and now hold a commanding 2-0 lead in the series. I will still refuse to count this team out, but this feels like a huge blow to the Celtics chances.

Amazing, remarkable, inspiring performance by Rajon Rondo who finished with a career high 44 points, 10 assists, and 8 rebounds. Might have been his best game ever.

Good solid games by Kevin Garnett and Paul Pierce.

Super-clutch 3 pointer to force overtime by Ray Allen.

And the Heat STILL won the game.

I don't know how much better the Celtics can play.

The Celtics were up 15 in the first half because they couldn't miss and because Rondo was incredible, but you just knew that the Heat were going to make a run at some point. Sure enough, they hit a bunch of 3 pointers and repeatedly got to the line (make of that what you will) and took the 3rd quarter lead.

Boston would not go away quietly and forced the overtime with huge stops and buckets
, including that huge 3 pointer from Ray Allen. Again with Ray, there were times tonight when I saw him put up a shot and I had no confidence it was going in. But with that last one, I just knew it was going to him and it was going in.

But it was all for naught as Pierce fouled out and the Celtics just didn't have enough left in the tank to win in overtime. Credit the Heat for a huge performance against a veteran team playing its heart out.

This one hurts a lot folks. It ain't over, but we're a lot closer to the end now.

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