Philadelphia 76ers 2009/2010

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"Bob Ford: 76ers: Yawn of a new era"

J'aime bien ce titre, très acrocheur et cruellement véridique

"General manager Ed Stefanski said he was performing "due diligence," which is sports executive speak for "I'm taking my time because if I mess this up nobody gets out alive, including me."

There is really no clock ticking, unless Eddie Jordan is the guy Stefanski really wants and the Sacramento Kings, also searching for a coach, feel the same way. The Kings were a lot more attractive before falling out of the top draft spot in the lottery, and, on balance, the Sixers are a better opportunity, if that tells you anything.

If Stefanski has a silent agreement with Jordan to sit tight until he completes the ritual of courtesy and information-gathering interviews, that might explain why nothing has happened yet. Or it might be that Jordan is not the guy.

Either way, Stefanski isn't saying much, and there is no track record of his management style to judge which way he's going to jump. The new coach, according to Stefanski, will have good communication skills, the leadership ability to be a disciplinarian without losing the locker room, a good understanding of X-and-O tactics, and, let's see, something else. Maybe good table manners."

"Any of the above candidates could end up having great success with the Sixers, but having it with these Sixers is a difficult proposition. There isn't a true star on the roster, and that is the only way to win consistently and win big in the NBA. No matter how much you hustle, how hard you play, and how selfless your approach is - all worthy attributes that describe the Sixers - the way to success is getting great talent that plays to its level, not getting good talent that must play above it. That part they're still working on.

So it's no shock that the candidate list is as middle of the road as the team.

It might work out just fine, and the team will improve very quickly, but that would definitely qualify as the first surprise of the process."

Je ne peut qu'être d'accord avec lui, malheureusement...

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