New York Knicks 2009/2010

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Nash: Taking shot at Knicks would've been too risky


There was simply too much uncertainty for Steve Nash to wait till next summer, become a free agent and look at the Knicks as a possible new team.
Nash, the Suns' superstar point guard, signed an extension with Phoenix this offseason, ensuring he'll be there for two more years after this one and robbing the Knicks of a chance to add him to their summer shopping list alongside LeBron James and Dwyane Wade. Nash, whose Suns will be at the Garden tonight, admitted yesterday he thought about holding off on the extension and seeing if he wanted to join his former coach, Mike D'Antoni, in New York.
But ultimately, Nash felt it was too risky not to re-up with the Suns.
"I definitely looked at it and considered playing it out and seeing what happened next summer. I just felt like there was just too much speculation over what could happen next summer," Nash said after practice in Manhattan. "There's too much speculation on so many things. Not just what opportunities that would be there for myself, but also a constricting [salary] cap.
"So you wait a summer and you go somewhere and they can't afford to sign a superstar and maybe you're stuck, so there was just too much speculation for me to give up an opportunity that I felt my allegiances were with -- my teammates, the organization -- and I felt like we had a project that we started on, and just because we had one bad year didn't mean you had to give up on it."
The 3-14 Knicks have lost five in a row heading into tonight's game with the 14-3 Suns, who have the league's best record. Nash remains their leader, averaging 16.4 points and 12.1 assists on the NBA's top-scoring offense (112 ppg). Suns coach Alvin Gentry, who was one of D'Antoni's Phoenix assistants, said, "To be honest with you, we're doing what Mike taught me."
While the Knicks are languishing, Nash insisted any criticism of D'Antoni is baffling to him.
"I think everyone knew when he signed to come [to New York] that they weren't world-beaters," Nash said. "I don't think anyone expected them to turn it around last year or this year." surtout pas ces charognards de JAZZ !

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