Philadelphia 76ers 2010/2011

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 posté par Philly thing : 
Asked if he was caught off guard when he learned Rod Thorn was becoming team president, Ed Stefanski said, " It was surprising because I didn’t know about it. That was it. ... Everyone has an ego. Some are bigger than others. My personality’s not one to stay down very long. My pity party lasted about a half-hour and I was fine after that."

Allez Stefreaky, avoue que tu es pissed off

More Stefanski: "It’s a positive because it’s a mentor and one of my best friends. If it was a different (president), who knows what would’ve happened?"

Sixers' COO Peter Luukko about hiring Thorn as president: "This is an outstanding opportunity for our club. Looking at Rod’s background, it’s really unprecedented. He's been a player in the league, coached, ran a team, been a GM and worked in the NBA office."

Doug Collins, who took a red-eye from San Diego to be there today: "I want everybody to know we’re in all this together. We want this to change. I think he used the word passionate and competitive many times – that’s who I am.

"Rod and I have known each other a long, long time through my broadcasting when he was working in the league office. I’ve known him through his career — he’s a winner."

Thorn: "We expect the players to play together and also to play hard every night. That’s what fans want and deserve. The fans don’t owe you anything – you owe the fans."

"I’ve been involved in a bunch of trades. You have to make decisions. If you think something, you have to go try to do it. It’s hard to make trades, but trades can be made."

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