PO 2011 2nd Round : Heat (2) vs Celtics (3)

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What Were The Boston Celtics Trying To Run?

May 10th, 2011 Sebastian Pruiti (nbaplaybook.com)

After a LeBron James turnover, the Boston Celtics had the basketball with the game tied at 86 and a chance to win the game. Coming out of their timeout, the Paul Pierce got the basketball, stood around, drove left, and took a fall away jumper:

Upon closer examination, their was definitely some miscommunication here. Considering the coach (Doc Rivers) and the players (Ray Allen, Paul Pierce, and Kevin Garnett), it is interesting to see the Celtics fail to execute. It looks that Paul Pierce is waiting for a screen to come, but it never comes because Allen and Garnett run into each other a few times. In the postgame, Rivers eluded to the mishap:

Doc Rivers: “We didn’t execute the play, I’ll just leave it at that. Ended up leaving Paul on the island. It’s a play we’ve run several times and we just didn’t execute it. [It] was supposed to be a pick-and-roll with a flare and none of it happened, which was unusual for us. But it happened.”

Rivers is right, we have seen this play before, and by design, it is supposed to end up with Pierce working towards the right elbow (his sweet spot) with plenty of space to make a decision:

On this particular play, Pierce immediately gets up top isolated. After waiting a few seconds, Ray Allen comes off of a backscreen, flaring to the corner.

With Allen’s defender now chasing him to the corner, the man setting the screen (in this case Jeff Green) steps up to set another screen. This time, it is a ball screen, setting up the pick and roll.

With Allen’s man chasing him to the corner and the pick and roll action, you are now clearing up that elbow location, ready for him to work the sweet spot. In this particular instance, Pierce attacks the lane and misses a lay-up. However, when watching the play in real time, you understand what Boston is trying to set up:

Rivers likes to use Ray Allen as a decoy, knowing that the defense will never leave him. We have seen this concept all of the time with the Celtics late in games, and here is another instance. This is a great way to clear space, prevent help, and allow Pierce to get to his favorite spot on the court.

Lets look at last night’s play again:

So, what went wrong?
Well, a couple things. First, Ray Allen is the first one to get the ball out of the side and after standing around and dribbling, he gets it to Paul Pierce. This throws off the rhythm of the entire play in my opinion. Everyone talked about James’ defense on the actual Pierce shot attempt, but the threat of him denying Pierce and getting a five second call is probably why Allen goes to meet the basketball.

After giving up the ball to Pierce, Allen flares to the corner expecting Garnett to pop out. This is where things fall apart. Garnett starts to pop out, but Ray Allen tries to return to the spot to restart the play. Garnett sees this and he tries to restart the play, at this point, Pierce understands that he just needs to go, and he does that, driving to the left and missing the shot.

This is a rare instance of the Celtics’ failing to execute, and all of it goes back to LeBron James on Paul Pierce. Not on the shot, but on the initial inbounds pass.

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