Philadelphia 76ers 2011/2012

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Thaddeus Young wants back with Sixers

About to enter his fifth season with an uncertain contract situation and a possible work stoppage, 76ers forward Thaddeus Young appeared unnerved as he oversaw his basketball camp at Competitive Edge Sports in King of Prussia this morning.

Today, though, Young was asked about what he might think his and the NBA's future might be. He was tendered a qualifying offer by the Sixers last week, which will make him a restricted free agent on July 1, meaning any team can make him an offer, but the Sixers have the right to match.

"Coach (Doug Collins) is always talking to me that I'm going to be here and they're going to take care of me to keep me happy and keep the team happy. It's just a matter of getting it done."

The current Collective Bargaining Agreement expires at midnight Thursday, which leaves so many questions swirling, especially for Young. "I keep a close eye on what's happening, but I just have to keep doing what I'm doing."

Collins met with Young on Monday and is traveling the country to meet with all his players before the Thursday deadline in order to make sure they are all on the same page. A work stoppage means a coach is not allowed to have any contact with his players.

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